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The DAC® is a product designed for the preparation and application of a bio-resorbable hydrogel coating (based on hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid) to be used in the orthopaedic/dental and traumatology field.

The product is indicated in orthopedic surgery in general including vertebral surgery, maxillofacial, thoracic, traumatology, joint surgery and dentistry.

The function of this hydrogel is to create a temporary physical barrier onto the surface of implantable devices against the adhesion of planktonic bacteria, and therefore against colonization of the surface and biofilm formation.


The effect displayed by DAC® takes place in the very first hours after surgery, and then the device is completely hydrolyzed.


The protective barrier generated by DAC® hydrogel on the treated surface has been specifically designed to last only for a short period (3 days) in order not to negatively interfere with osteo-integration.


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